In line with the Timeframe for the Preparation of the 2026-2027 TC Programme, feedback for quality enhancement will be provided for all draft project designs.
The main purpose of the Quality Enhancement Exercise is to provide constructive feedback to project teams on how project design documents can be improved. The review will be in line with the TC Quality Criteria and compliance with the Logical Framework Approach.
Good project design facilitates project implementation and enables meaningful project progress reporting. The review will be based on the project documents that are available in PCMF as of 10 February 2025 and will be directly uploaded to PCMF. Project team members are encouraged to finetune their designs using the below guidance.
Guidelines for Quality Assessment of TC Project Designs Designing IAEA Technical Cooperation Projects using the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) Project Document Template including Guidance
Logical Framework Approach Online Tutorial The Project Document Template Tutorial Project Workplan and Budget Tutorial Risk Management in Technical Cooperation Projects Design Checklist
Course: The Technical Cooperation Programme (iaea.org) Course: The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) (iaea.org)
The TC programme at a Glance (2024-04-24)
Click below to access the TC programme interactive map which provides a broad overview of the TC programme, from upstream planning, project design to implementation, progress reporting and project closure. It outlines the main TC programme processes, the roles involved and provides links to TC tools and relevant guidance.
TC programme map: English | French | Spanish
Note Verbale and Guidelines for the Planning and Design of the IAEA 2026-2027 TC Programme (2024-01-24)
Please refer to the Note Verbale on the start of preparations for the 2026-2027 TC programme, including the guidelines and timeframe for the planning and design of the 2026-2027 TC programme.
Note Verbale: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic
Guidelines: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic
Submission of 2024 Project Progress Assessment Reports (PPARs) (2024-12-02)
The platform for submission of the mandatory annual Project Progress Assessment Reports (PPARs) is ready to receive reports relative to the year 2024.
Once PMOs have initiated the request for a report, CPs, DTMs and NLOs will receive a standard email asking them to provide their input. All users must have a Nucleus account (Username and Password) before having access to the system.
PPARs for 2024 can only be submitted through this platform – no other format will be registered.
The platform is accessible via the following link: https://tcreports.iaea.org/ The deadline for submission of PPARs is 31 January 2025. Guidelines for PPAR preparation and detailed user guides for NLOs/NLAs, CPs and DTMs are available on PCMF Reference Desk
Newly released: E-Learning course on Project Progress Assessment Reports (2024-01-18)
Counterparts and National Liaison Officer are encouraged to go through the one hour E-Learning course, which provides the basics on the Project Progress Assessment Report (PPAR) and practical tips on how to fill in the report, depending on the role of each contributor.
The course also describes the purpose of the PPAR and its role in the overarching Technical Cooperation programme process.
By registering on the IAEA platform NUCLEUS users can access the PPAR course on the IAEA Learning Management System.
For further questions, please get in touch with TC-Training.Contact-Point@iaea.org
Course Project Progress Assessment Report (PPAR) (iaea.org)
New Global Freight Forwarder for the Technical Cooperation Programme (2022-06-22)
The Department of Technical Cooperation (TC) is using a Global Freight Forwarder (GFF) company for the shipment, freight forwarding and delivery of goods in support of technical assistance to Member States. To date, and for some years now, that service has been performed by Bollore GFF. At the beginning of the year, to ensure compliance with Financial Rules and Regulations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), as well as to ensure that it receives the best service at competitive prices, TC in cooperation with the Department of Management retendered the provision of freight forwarding and related services for the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme.
As a result of the competitive process, the company Scan Global Logistics (SGL) was selected as the IAEA’s new Global Freight Forwarder (https://www.scangl.com/). As of 1 July 2022, all new shipments will be routed and handled by SGL. This will entail changes in contact points, purchase order instructions as well as source of notifications.
Please note that all shipments in transit will continue to be handled by Bollore until fully finalized and delivered at the final destination. As a result, end users/project counterparts will, for a limited period, be dealing with shipments through two GFFs – SGL and Bollore.
Note Verbale and Guidelines for the Planning and Design of the IAEA 2024-2025 TC Programme (2022-01-25)
Please refer to the Note Verbale on the start of preparations for the 2024-2025 TC programme, including the guidelines and timeframe for the planning and design of the 2024-2025 TC programme.
Note Verbale: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic
Guidelines: English | French | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Arabic
Newly released: E-Learning course on Risk Management in Technical Cooperation Projects (2021-03-05)
Counterparts and National Liaison Officers are encouraged to go through the 30 minute E-learning course which provides an overview of the Risk Management approach and process followed throughout the Technical Cooperation Project Life Cycle. After this course you will be familiar with a series of managerial actions related to assessing risks, risk mitigation and monitoring and reporting on risks. Project risk management is required to ensure a minimal impact of possible risks on the achievement of TC project results. The course is self-paced and can be completed at any time.
Risk Management in Technical Cooperation Projects
By registering on the IAEA platform NUCLEUS, users can access the Risk management course on the IAEA Learning Management System.
For further questions, please get in touch with TC-Training.Contact-Point@iaea.org
Online tutorials available facilitating good project design for the TCP 2022-2023 (2020-06-23)
Counterparts and National Liaison Officers are encouraged to watch the online tutorials on the Logical Framework Approach, Project Document Template and the Project Workplan and Budget which will guide project teams when designing TC projects.
The Logical Framework Approach Tutorial: This tutorial will guide you through the main stages and steps of the Logical Framework Approach and how to apply it when designing TC Projects.
The Project Document Template Tutorial: This tutorial will guide you through each section of the Project Document Template and it provides you with tips, recommendations and examples of good designs.
English | Spanish
Project Workplan and Budget Tutorial: This tutorial will guide you through the elaboration of the project workplan and budget, present the different TC components, and discuss how to sequence and balance the activities, inputs and budget.
English | Spanish
Programme Monitoring and Reporting
TC projects are required to submit an annual Project Progress Assessment Report (PPAR) through the TC-Reports platform. This report is generated in a participatory manner with contributions from all members of the project team and collects information on the quality and progress made towards achieving project results. The end of the programming cycle corresponds to the review phase. This is conducted through a self-evaluation process reflected in the Project Achievement Report (PAR). The findings of this report are then utilized for continual improvement of the TC programme, including any follow-up adjustments and implementation of recommendations. The PAR is also a key element in TC knowledge management, enabling the learning loop between recorded experience and new project designs.
PPAR Guidelines | PPAR Template | PAR Template and Guidelines
In preparation for the 2022-2023 TC Programme, National Liaison Officers (NLOs), National Liaison Assistants (NLAs) and project counterparts (CPs) are strongly encouraged to complete the e-learning course on “Designing high quality IAEA Technical Cooperation Projects”. The course allows for a better understanding of the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) terminology, concepts and main steps of application. The LFA-method has been adopted by the IAEA Technical Cooperation Programme to achieve high quality project standards. Please click on the link below to access the course:
English: https://elearning.iaea.org/m2/course/view.php?id=478
An electronic certificate will be issued upon completing the course with an 80% score, or higher. For further questions, please get in touch with TC-Training.Contact-Point@iaea.org
For more information, guidelines and presentations visit the TC Programme Reference Desk